Even if there is no suitable vacancy posted at the moment, feel free to send us an application either by filling in an online form or simply attaching Your own. Alternatively, You can send us an email. We will contact You once the position will become available.
Oil/Chem Tanker
38000-50000 DWT
2014-2018 build
3+/1 contract
Salary $1790-$1940/month
6m experience in rank on tanker, full set of STCW documents
Oil/Chem Tanker
38000-50000 DWT
2014-2018 build
6+/1 contract
Salary $1790-1940/month
6m experience as AB onboard tanker, full set of STCW documents
Oil/Chem Tanker
38000-50000 DWT
2014-2018 build
6+/1 contract
Salary $1410-$1510/month
Minimum 4m experience in OS rank, full set of STCW documents
Oil/Chem Tanker
38000-50000 DWT
2014-2018 build
6+/1 contract
Salary $1410-$1510/month
Minimum 6m experience on tanker (can be as Engine Cadet), full set of STCW documents